Conlegium Ritus Austeri No. 779, F&AM Conlegium Ritus Austeri No. 779, F&AM...Tennessee's first traditional observance lodge. Fri, 18 Jun 2021 23:48:18 +0000 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management en-gb About Conlegium Ritus Austeri #779
Conlegium Ritus Austeri No. 779, F&AM is the newest lodge under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee.    It is the fruition of work by a number of Brethren throughout the state, derived from their common vision that the forms and ceremonies of Freemasonry, which have been handed down to us through a succession of ages, demand a very high level of respect.  As such, this lodge has adopted a more formal and traditional approach to the business of Masonry.  It is the first such lodge constituted in this jurisdiction.

As such, we place particular emphasis on the quality of Masonic ritual, and more particularly on Masonic education.  We place a high value on the initiatory experience, and encourage our members to constantly grow and develop their minds and character, not only through ritual mastery, but through a lifelong study of the forms, history and symbolism of Freemasonry.  In order to emphasize the solemnity and character of a lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, standard attire for the meetings of our lodge is formal evening dress (white tie, tails, white gloves).

The name of our lodge is Latin for “Lodge of Strict Observance,” and serves to reinforce our commitment to the traditional observance concept.

We received a dispensation from M.W.G.M. Jerry Hanson to form a new lodge in Nashville on January 13, 2009.  Our charter was approved on March 25, 2009 during the annual convocation of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee.  On June 20, 2009 our lodge was consecrated, dedicated and constituted by M.W.G.M. Dickie W. Johnson, along with many of the Grand Lodge officers in a beautiful ceremony which had not been conducted in this state in over twenty-five years.  Immediately following this ceremony, our first line of officers was installed by R.W. Thomas F. Boduch, Deputy Grand Master of Masons in Tennessee and W. David L. Price III, both of whom were members of Conlegium Ritus Austeri No. 779.
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